OsMaSter_V1.0 EA智能交易系统外汇EA下载!
OsMaSter_V1.0 EA智能交易系统外汇EA下载!文件名称: OsMaSter_V1.0 EA智能交易系统外汇EA下载!
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界面语言: 简体中文
文件类型: 国外软件
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文件大小: 0.01 MB
文件来源: 会员投稿
官方网址: 官方站
发布时间: 2018-02-16
文件介绍: OsMaSter_V1.0 EA智能交易系统外汇EA下载!
The Expert Advisor OsMaSter_V0 perform trading based on the analysis of the indicator OsMA.
TF = 0; Period. May be the one of 0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 43200. 0 means the period of the current chart.
fast_ema_period = 9; averaging period for calculating the fast moving average.
slow_ema_period = 26; averaging period for calculating the slow moving average.
signal_period = 5; averaging period to calculate the signal line.
applied_price = 0; used price. Can be any from 0 - 6.
shift_1 = 0; first index of obtained value from the indicator buffer (shift relative to the current bar to the specified number of periods ago).
shift_2 = 1; second index of obtained value from the indicator buffer (shift relative to the current bar to the specified number of periods ago).
shift_3 = 2; third index of obtained value from the indicator buffer (shift relative to the current bar to the specified number of periods ago).
shift_4 = 3; Fourth index of obtained value from the indicator buffer (shift relative to the current bar to the specified number of periods ago).
Lots = 0.01; // Lot Size
StopLoss = 50, // Size stop in pips
TakeProfit = 50, // size of skull cap in pips
MagicNumber = 20081975; // magic number of advisor's orders
Slippage = 3; // Allowable slippage rates when opening position
NumberOfTry = 5, // Number of trade attempts at requotes
OsMaSter_V1.0 EA智能交易系统外汇EA下载!
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