Otkat外汇专家顾问EA下载!文件名称: Otkat外汇专家顾问EA下载!
文件类型: .rar Otkat外汇专家顾问EA下载!
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文件大小: 0.01 MB
文件来源: 会员投稿
官方网址: 官方站
发布时间: 2018-02-5
文件介绍: Otkat外汇专家顾问EA下载!
Otkat Expert Advisor — is based on the range pull-backs in the intraday trends.
The entry conditions are based on the range low and high points with the buy signals generated
near the lowest half of the range and the sell signals generated near the highest half of the range.
The expert advisor uses not only take-profit and stop-loss levels but also exit by time.
It enters the positions only at the beginning of the day (it doesn't trade on Mondays/Sundays and Fridays/Saturdays)
and closes them at the day's end. You need to set Server_GMT_Difference parameter to your MetaTrader server's timezone for the EA to function properly.
The back-test of the Otkat MetaTrader expert advisor on the 3-year period showed the following results with EUR/USD currency pair and 1.0 standard
lot volume per position — $7,940 net profit on $10,000 starting account with the maximum relative drawdown at 14.06%.
Due to the nature of its optimal settings, this EA will win almost 90% of the trades, but the average loss is more than 5 times greater than average profit.
What are the stop-loss and take-profit used by this EA?
·It uses the fixed stop-loss level of 51 pips and the fixed take-profit level of 8 pips.
Note, that it's better to set even lower take-profit, if only your Forex broker allows that without generating OrderSend Error 130.
How often does it trade?
·On hourly EUR/USD chart (the optimal settings) this EA will trade once every week on average.
How to set Server_GMT_Difference parameter correctly?
·Set it to your MetaTrader server's timezone. For example, if your MetaTrader server's timezone is GMT-5 (New York time with DST off) set this parameter to -5.
⊙外汇EA有风险,强烈建议先用模拟盘测试一段时间,确定能盈利后,再挂真仓操作。本站仅提供资源分享,不保证盈利。有问题请加QQ:1967038611 咨询。验证信息:EA下载。
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1.外汇交易之路——初生牛犊 作为一个想在市场里生存的人,最初应该做的是看懂K线,K线并没有想象中的那么复杂,开始你可能会觉得无从下手,但是不要紧,我推荐先看“日本蜡烛图”这个视频,在优酷上面有,从蜡烛图的由来到不同蜡烛图所表示的含义,看的时候可以做个笔记,把觉得重要的记录下来,方便随时查阅。当你把蜡烛图已经了然于胸了,那表示你已经算是初步入门了。2.蜡烛图你已经会了,接下来可以看点关于均线、布林、黄金分割等等技术指标了,当然这些东西只是帮助你入门的,至于以后用不用得上就是后话了,每个人的交易方法都不一样,使用的指标也不一样,你要做的就是“淘”淘出适合你的东西,所以可能很多总要的指标都要过一遍,这个时期没有捷径,需要一定时间的积累学习3.基本面,所为的基本面就是影响外汇、黄金、石油的一些消息和各国的政策等等,其实这些东西重要,也不重要。之所以重要,是因为你看了这些消息以后,对后市会有一定的概念,黄金是要涨了还是要跌了,美元是利好还是利空,经过你对这些消息的分析,或是你看到的消息分析,都可以给你的脑海形成一个概念,这对你后市做盘是有好处的。之所以不重要,是因为外汇市场是保证金交易,你在这个市场里面只是一个小投机客而已,一般做盘的时候你看的都是小时图,一般拿点也不过几十百把点,我在这个市场里待了7年了,最多也就拿过1200点的日元,那是极个别的情况。所以你做盘的时候重点看下那几个重要消息就可以了,比如非农。对于新手来说,不建议做消息盘,你们把控不好的。